
My new toys

I got my first pair of MBTs a few days ago. They're supposed to be the cat's pyjamas, the "anti-shoe" and all that.

It says on the leaflet, that they help with back and joint problems (which was my main reason for getting them), burn calories and tone up the muscles. They even come with a DVD, which shows the right way of walking.

So I got my feet measured, picked a pair, paid and brought my new "physiological footwear" home. Of course I took them for a test drive straight away. And got blisters after the first ten minutes.

I've been wearing them every day for short periods at a time. And the blisters just keep growing. Of course the DVD just shows smiling nurses and big-shot business-people walking happily for hours. My walking experience so far has been more gritted teeth and cursing.

I'm not giving up though. I can already feel my muscles getting more work and my stomach getting flatter. I also have a personal pit-stop crew in the form of Himself, who has the plasters, scissors and cups of tea ready on my arrival. My goal is three steps without a "#£***!" by the end of the week.

I'll keep you updated.
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  1. Do you burn calories with them even if you are just sitting around in them?! :) That would be great.

    That's so weird that you are getting blisters. Can you return them?

  2. I don't think sitting with them in your feet helps with the calorie-burning, unfortunately... :D

    I don't understand the blisters either. I suppose I could return them, but I think it's just because they're new. (?)

  3. I'm envious. I was looking at a pair of those and desperately wanted to buy them, but couldn't justify (to myself) the expense. Now I'm wondering if I made the right decision. Hopefully your feet will adjust and your blisters will heal.
