
Laala is loving today

I have started to write positive things about each day into my calendar. It didn't start consciously, but I noticed what I was doing and made it a part of my daily routine. It's nice to look at the pages at the end of the week or at times when I need cheering up.

I've only been awake for three hours, but today already has lots of little positive notes.

+ The day started with us watching Mundy's gig on DVD and Himself played some guitar afterwards
+ Himself is cooking his famous spaghetti bolognese (Which gives me a break from cooking)
+ Our friend is joining us for dinner
+ Junior got home safe from London and we saw him in the mall earlier
+ I finished reading a book that made me happy
+ I bought Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue
+ I'm going to see Angel Girl after work, which means I'm going to have a good time and don't have to spend the evening alone while Himself is gigging
+ I was wearing the MBTs while foodshopping and they didn't hurt
+ It's payday

Have a great Saturday! :)

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