
Sneak preview

As you can see, we are finally having a bit of sunshine!
I take it as a good omen, since today is also the day our move really started. We got the keys, and went to check the place out without the running commentary of the estate agent.

And I've already told Himself I'm taking over this balcony. The little corner with a bit of light is so going to be my territory!
My mind is already flying into plans of barbeques and nursing the little rosebush back into health. But we're not quite there yet. So I better go and continue packing. I'm hoping to be off from work tomorrow, so that we'd get everything done...

We're both tired, but the general mood is good. Himself is cooking and singing, and I might just let out the little tune that is playing in my head as well... "Lovely day, lovely day..."
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  1. How exciting--a new place!! But I don't envy you the moving part. Ick.

  2. Yeah, the moving itself is far from fun. But I think all the hard work will be worh it at the end. :)

  3. laala, I'm just checking in. We haven't heard from you in a little while!

  4. Congrats!! I think I would be chilling on that balcony all the time!
