
My week in pictures

I hope you understand why I've been pretty much out of bloggy-action in the past few days...

I found a dress to wear to the thingy on Monday.
My facial expression wasn't very ladylike, so I left the whole thing out.
Handy that...
The county organized a civic function in honour of the Blizzards, for their work in music and carrying the county's name around Ireland and abroad... (I was thinking aloud, and Himself's comment was: "Straight to Hell?") They got scrolls and pats on the back, we got free glasses of wine and some cheese on sticks. Hooray! And, of course, we got to witness a bit of history in the making.

And once we recovered from that, it was back to business. Mainly packing. The lady in the charity shop was very happy to see me arrive with the two bags above. I think I'm her new best friend... :D
Most of my life in seven boxes.
My drums look like a giant cake, stacked up like that... Mmmm, cake...
Sorry about that, packing makes me hungry. I better have some dinner, before I run into the corner and start nibbling the drumskins.
See you later! (The next time I might be writing from the new HQ)
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  1. lol I want to see your face! Lovely dress though.

  2. Great dress! Good luck moving!

  3. Thanks, all of you! :) I love the fact that I still manage to fit into it. :D

    Alex: Trust me, you don't. I can't behave myself if someone's taking a photo... :)

    Yaya: Thanks, all the luck is needed. I'll quite possibly dream of boxes tonight.

  4. Thanks! I don't do cute that often, but I have my moments. ;)
