
Milano, part 1

I have to do this in parts, partly because trying to put up more than four pictures at a time would be too much for my modem, partly because there was so much to see, I have to go to work soon and won't have time to write about it now. But I'm back and it's all back to normal. I was working yesterday, working in the other place this morning and going again.

Everything went smoothly. Himself's dad drove us to the airport in the morning. We thought we were going to be late, when we saw the line of people in front of us, but were just fine in the end. The flight was in Milan early, we got a bus to the centre as soon as we got out of the airport and the sun was shining even though it wasn't even noon. Lovely.

Himself posing in front of the Central Station

We nearly strained our necks during the journey, looking at all the buildings. We got our first display of Italian hospitality as soon as we hopped of the bus; this fella helping people with their luggage stopped what he was doing and guided us all the way to the tourist information. He even greeted us by name when he passed us later on. I was delighted, because Italians pronounce my name the same way we do in Finnish. (Irish people just can't do it, so I don't hear my name "right" that often, it really was a treat)

The entrance hall to the Central Station

Ok, so there's a lot of pictures of the station. But it's a good example of the architecture in the city: Huge, impressive and beautiful. And a handy landmark, because you can see it from most streets.

We headed to the info point, got a map and made our way to the hostel. The receptionist was really nice, and let us book in early. Hotel Arno is the name of the place, in case you're ever going to Milan and are happy with "cheap and cheerful" accommodation. (Try to arrive during the day, if you want a really warm welcome; The night porter was a bit on the dry side...)

This is the ceiling above the platforms

We changed our clothes, slipped on some flipflops and went exploring. We didn't get too far on the first day, just walked around and took in the views and got familiar with our surroundings.
A "little" statue on top of the station

I have to go and get ready for work, but I'll continue this in a while.
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  1. I am soooo jealous! Everything looks beautiful.

  2. Ohhhh, have fun!!! It looks and sounds wonderful!

  3. I am so very jealous!!!! I wanna go....(commencing whining now...)
