
3...,2...,1... GO!

So I found my bag today. I also had to wake up early and meet with the evil people in the welfare office. And go to my workplace to drop off forms. And make dinner, charge batteries, work and pack.

And none of this dampens my mood because I'm SO EXCITED!!! Even my computer was in a good mood today, and decided to work while I printed out our boarding passes. Well, after the fifth try. But it did. It's a miracle! Good old computer must be happy to have a few days off. Probably planning a party with Himself's laptop and too preoccupied to annoy me. Either way; Happy days!

I'm waiting for Himself to come home from the end-of-year concert thingy. And then we're off to the capital. And later on in the morning into the airport. Meeting up with JC's mate and possibly having a breakfast date before the flights.

I didn't pack much, but I have my camera. So I'll be busy taking pictures for the next few days.
I'll see you on Tuesday! :)