
Finally some me-time

Progress report from last post: Himself and I are friends again.
I don't do mad for long periods at a time. We talked (which is to say I talked and he listened like a good man he is) and after letting out some steam I was fine again. Kind of. And that's good enough.

The reason I have some time for myself is that Himself is gigging tonight.
I got home after ten and was too tired to go anywhere, so I sat on the sofa with a book, some chocolate and the good old laptop.
It's been nice just to relax and let the thoughts run circles in my head, without saying a word to anyone. I've had time to listen to all my favourite songs, read without interruptions and even dance a bit on the way to the cupboard (to get more chocolate).

My brain is not in gear at all, so I'll just continue my pyjama party for one until Himself gets home. Working again tomorrow, off Monday. Can't wait.

*Now playing: Scissor Sisters - Laura*

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