
Groundhog day transformed

On Monday night after the boys' gig we had our usual chat. This time the topics varied from Japan to horror movies, and from comedy to work.

Our friend, The Mandolin Man, was telling me about some character who always knew what people were going to say, before they even opened their mouths. That's something I can relate to (when it comes to work, anyway).

This is the conversation I have pretty much every single day at work, multiplied by 50:

Me: Hi, how are you?
Customer: How are ya. (it's not a question, try answering and you'll find out!)
- Then they walk towards the counter, I scan things in and go through the usual "Would you like a bag/box for these?" "It's 9.45, please" and "Thank you, bye bye!"
The older customers usually say something about the weather or the economical situation, the younger try not to say anything at all. And of course I have my regulars who stop and have a chat every now and again.

I noticed people talk to me more if I have a book or sudoku magazine on the counter.
Then I started knitting and doing crochet at work, and that really seems to interest a lot of people. What I found surprising though, was that it's mainly men who comment on my hobby. They look at the needles and the ball of wool and this big smile lights up their face. "Oh, you're knitting!" they say and give me this little nod.
The women just glance at the work and look away again. The only comment from a woman yesterday was: "Are you knitting for the babby?"

Anyway; What I'm wondering is, why are the men so fascinated by knitting? I thought it might have something to do with their mammies and good memories... Or maybe they're happy to see this form of craft isn't dying?

Or maybe they, like me, feel that the days are repeating themselves and are happy to see something as random as the off licence girl knitting.
Have to go foodshopping, and then to work.

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