
Like cat, like owner

My cat Cleo has turned into a grumpy old lady.
She never really liked kids, she despises dogs (especially the small kind) and at the sight of visitors she escapes faster you can say cat.
With age these traits have become even more defined. Sauna is her hideout of choice, because the main sources of noise are usually in the livingroom or in the kitchen. She sits there on her little throne and thinks about important things, and is usually left alone.
This time, however, the people in her life decided that a picture of her with the wedding wreath would be a good idea. She tolerates my dad's silly ideas quite patiently, because she knows the interruption is only going to last for a little while. The picture was taken and she continued her meditation.

Today I'm wishing I'd have a little hideout as well.
Himself's friend stayed over last night, and they managed to wake me up before 8. Which is about 4 hours before my morning.
So I've been even more confused today than I'd usually be.
I needed to go to the estate agent's today, because the things we went to sort out for over two weeks ago still haven't been fixed. The door was locked, and that was something my sleepy brain couldn't understand. So I kept pushing it like an idiot, finally stopping when I noticed the funny looks passers-by were giving me.

I understood it must've been lunch hour, and went to do my foodshopping.
Which took ages, because I was distracted by everything. (I still notice shiny things, no matter how tired or grumpy!)
Got the veggies, was supposed to go back to the office, but ended up in e2 Music instead. Cheered myself up with Kung Fu Panda (€8, less than half of the usual price) and Garbage collection CD for €5. After that I finally got where I was supposed to go.

Garbage is playing and I'm escaping into my imaginary world. So in a way I found a hideout for a while. (Until 5 o'clock anyway)
Maybe I should call Cleo and ask for a copy of "Tips On How To Keep People Out Of Your Territory"
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  1. hi Laala !

    of course, i'll tell you first that your name is lovely ! is it your real name ? i found it so intriguing when i saw a comment from someone having nearly the same name as me...

    i love cats and even if your lovely Cleo turns grumpy she looks really cute !

  2. I have a grumpy old cat, Grace. She makes grumpy faces (see the blog) and doesn't want anyone to touch her--I call her the "no pet". What is the deal?!

  3. My Castle in Spain: Unfortunately the name isn't "real". Himself, and several former schoolmates call me Laala though, so it just kind of stuck with me. I think it's a nice and cuddly name. :)

    Lin: Friend's boyfriend says cats can't make faces. I think they can, and therefore understand completely what you mean! :)
